Job Searching After Coding Bootcamp


So you’ve completed your coding bootcamp, but now it’s onto the next challenge: the job search. Job searching at this point, for me at least, feels like a full time job in itself. Here are a few tips I’ve noticed along the way:

Continue to code!

I cannot emphasize this one enough. When you stop using your coding skills, they become rusty. It’s necessary to continue to review material and, if you have the time, teach yourself something new. Employers want a programmer who is self-motivated.

Network, network, network!

Even if it isn’t someone from your bootcamp, reaching out to fellow Software Engineers at the companies you’re looking at can be an incredible resource to learn about their experience working at such a company and give helpful advice on how to improve as a programmer.

Don’t give up!

This one is cliche, but it’s true. As difficult as each rejection may seem and as daunting as the job application process is, you only need one company to give you a chance. Remember that with each rejection, you are one step closer to finding the right match.



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